Western Kansas Groundwater Management District No. 1 Annual Meeting 2025
March 5, 2025, at the Western KS Child Advocacy Center
212 E. 5th St. Scott City KS 67871
9:00am – GMD1 Regular February Board Meeting (Public Welcome)
12:00pm – Lunch is Provided. Vendors & Door Prizes!
1:00pm – 2025 Annual Meeting Begins
*Scott County and Greeley County Board Positions are up for re-election.*
Voting Criteria Reminders
For those who plan to attend and vote at the GMD 1 Annual Meeting, please note the following voter information ahead of the meeting:
1. If you plan to vote in the election:
a. Land-owning Individual: No advanced notice required, must certify in writing on election day of their eligibility to vote through land ownership.
b. One Person, One Vote: No proxy voting will be allowed. A voter may only vote once, even if they qualify under multiple statuses.
c. Capacity Representative: Anyone voting through a capacity status – a person voting by representing an entity, organization, or other capacity; must provide proof of eligibility to vote to the District office at least 5 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
d. Mail Ballots. Mail ballots will not be accepted.
2. If you plan to run for a seat on the board:
a. Please notify the District Office at least 20 days prior to the Annual Meeting to ensure your name is on the ballot.
b. Same-day write-ins will be allowed, for a land-owning individual and not a person representing an entity or otherwise requiring advanced notice under the Voting Policy.
Any questions on voting or voter policy can be directed to the Groundwater Management District #1 Office. Note: March 12th 2025 is also being noticed as an alternative date for the Annual Meeting if needed due to quorum or other unforeseen circumstances.